CS 553 (Spring 2004)
Advanced Computer
Networks |
Hamdy Soliman - hss@nmt.edu
Office: Speare
Phone: 835-5170
place/time: Jonesa 106, 14.00-15.15
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet (second Edition)
By J.F.Kurose and K.W.Ross, Publisher: Eddison
Mid Term Exam (closed book and notes) : 40%
Group Presentations and
Final Report : 50%
Indivudual Presentation and Class Participation :
Note: Grades may vary as the system
Topics to be covered (not necessarily in that
- Introduction to the Internet
- Link layer protocols
- Network layer protocols
- Transport layer protocols
- Application layer protocols
- Internet security
During the first half of the semester, the instructor presents the above
topics. The students are entitled to form groups and collaborate to choose a
subject (has to be approved by the instructor). The group has to perform an
extensive research about the subject(related to the above topics), and prepare 5
presentations, each of half-hour duration. The final presentation includes the
recent work done in the chosen-subject area (from the litterature), along with
any obtained results/analysis and the group's final conclusion. A final project
report has to be submitted to the instructor before the end of the semester.
- Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards
- By William Stallings
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Computer Networks
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 3rd edition
- By Morgan Kaufmann
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key
- By Leon-Garcia and Widjaja
- Publisher: McGraw Hill
- Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols and Architectures,
4th edition, Volume 1, 2, and 3
- By Douglas E. Comer
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
Useful Papers
- Nodes Bearing Grudges:
Towards Routing Security, Fairness, and Robustness in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- On Communication
Security in Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
- ActiveSync, TCP/IP and
802.11b Wireless Vulnerabilities of WinCE-based PDAs
- Secure Aggregation for
Wireless Networks
- A Method for Security
Enhancements in AODV Protocol
- Toward a Security
Architecture for Smart Messages: Challenges, Solutions, and Open Issues
- Securing Authentication
and Privacy in Ad hoc Partitioned Networks
- Toward Secure Key
Distribution in Truly Ad-Hoc Networks
- Thirty Years Later:
Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation
- Key Management for
Heterogeneous Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
- A Client-based Handoff
Mechanism for Mobile IPv6Wireless Networks
- A Secure Routing
Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
- Securing Mobile
Appliances: New Challenges for the System Designer
- Self-securing Ad
HocWireless Networks
- Vulnerability
Assessment in Wireless Networks
- A Low-Energy Key
Management Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks